Flatulence and Breaking Wind
Flatulence and Breaking Wind
Flatulence, referred to as farting or wind, is normal. There are things you may do if you fart lots or it is pungent. In a few instances it may be a sign of a health condition.
Take a look at if your flatulence is regular
Farting is generally not anything to worry about. Every person farts, some human beings more than others. The average is five to fifteen times an afternoon.
What is regular is different for every person. If you observe a change or it is affecting your lifestyles, there are things you may do.
Things you could do to reduce down excessive or smelly wind
• Consume smaller meals, more often
• Drink or chew meals slowly
• Exercise to enhance how your body digests meals
• Consume a wholesome, balanced diet
• Try to drink peppermint tea
• Chew gum, smoke, or suck pen tops or hard candies to avoid swallowing air
• Wear loose-fitting dentures
• Eat too many meals which are difficult to digest and make you fart
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